Thursday, April 9, 2009

3 day weekend

So this weekend is a 3 day one for me. YAY!!! I especially love the fact that the day off is on a friday....fridays tend to be crazy days in kidland. I don't know what I'm doing, but I know that I'm not working haha :)

Yesterday I had a coffee mishap. I was comign back from my lunch break and I came around the corner of the building (we park in the back)...the florist was coming around the other way, I had to SLAM on my breaks and that was EVERWHERE. My floor mats were seat was wet. The only good thing is that it went flying to the right and now the left, I would have been burned :( The best part is, he waved at me like a "hey how are you wave"!?!? ugh...luckily my boss was cool and let me have a few extra mins so I could run to wawa and get more :)

So today was my last day of smoking. We'll see how this goes. I had my last one at 4:15. A co-worker of mine who is an ex smaoker said the first 9 days are the hardest. I don't know why its 9 but whatever. We'll see how it goes...hope I can do it!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do it for the band

I don't think i have mentioned that I am a huge 80's fan. My favorite 80's music is the "hair metal". Y aknow, Poison, Warrant ect. Last night there was this awesome show on Vh1 called "Do it for the band". It was the stories of the girls that actually kind of helped boost these guys. It talked about the partying, drugs and sex. You learn the stories behind different things like "Every Rose Has its Thorn".....and the "Rocket Queen" orgasm chick was on lol. Well, if you enjoy this music you should watch it...hell, even if you don't you should watch it anyway.