Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Friday!

The week is done! YAY!!! My day wsn't too bad today. I was annoyed because out of the 7 kids that I had, 4 of the parents weren't working today. That is my biggest pet peeve working at the daycare. People having off and leaving their kids all day. What is wrong with people? At least don't tell me you have off...let me assume you are working. UGH!!!

My throat hurts! I better not be getting anything serious. Sure, for the weekend right? On the upside it did keep me from smoking today. I know, I know, smoking is bad for me. I really am going to try and is hard though. When I was younger, I always heard my grandma and uncles saying how hard it was to quit...I thought "how hard can it be? just stop!". Turns really is hard. I hope you don't like me less for this....smoking, that of my flaws.

Tomorrow me and mom are going shopping...saturday is kind of our day. We shop and do lunch. I have been spending money because I am so excited me brother and his wife are having a girl. They have a son...he will be 2 in may...and the girl is due in June. I was sooooo excited to buy girl stuff. How bad am I? lol. Boy stuff is so boring though (no offense to those who love boy clothes shopping). I guess its the girly girl in and sparkly is my thing.

Well, I hope you all enjoy your saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to SITS and welcome to blogging! We have so much fun, I think you'll love it. Have fun shopping tomorrow, glittery and pink is the way to go, tee hee! My throat just started getting sore too, uh oh. Hope we both feel better.

    Jamie :-)
