Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh Saturday

So I went shopping today. I didn't buy too much. A couple cute little outfits (I did my initial crazy shopping when we first found out it was a girl lol). I also treated myself to something because it has been a while since I bought something for myself. I collect Precious Moments fiurines and I bought one today. I rarely buy them for myself, I usually get them as gifts.

This one was cute. It was a little girl playing's cute :)

John stopped by and he had McDonalds...ugh he knows Mickey D's fries are one of my two weaknesses (the other being ice cream). Even not being hungry I can eat them. Not good....because I am trying to lose about 15 pounds before the summer. I no longer fit in most of my jeans and it makes me sad.

About 5 years ago I was about 155 pounds...I went on a diet. I did calorie counting and portion control (highly recommended if anyone wants to lose weight). It was great. I actually did lose a lot....too much some said. Apparently I was too skinny...I didn't think so. We are see ourselves differently then others do though so maybe I was too skinny. I went down to 116 pounds.

I met my boyfriend and everything went bad. well, good some say. Gaining the weight meant I was happy with where I was. I didn;t care so much about againing weight...I was in love lol. well, now pants aren't fitting and I am almost 150 again. I don't thnk I'm fat, I am just not as thin as I would like to be. I am sure I can get there again....I need to find that will power thta I once had.

well, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!


  1. Lord....I think every woman in America has a weakness for McD fries....just reading made me hungry for them....I'm here to say a BIG welcome to SITS....I'm super excited you are's a great place to be....

  2. I'm doing the portion control and calorie counting. I know how you feel. At my lowest I was 132lbs and now I'm a whopping 157lbs (down 4 pounds since last week...yay!) People are constantly telling me I dont need to lose weight... It's not so much of a need as it is a want. I want to be comfortable in my own skin, in my own PANTS, and just be happier. Quitting smoking and dieting sucks even more when u do it at the same time, though.
